Jun 26, 2012

Mobile Blogger

Here is new blog from another friend of mine, it's called Mobile Blogger. He just started it, so bear with him while he gets his reins. A permanent link to his blog will be collected in the sidebar with other friends who maintain sites that you will find on the right =>.

Sometimes it's hard to keep going on, writing how you feel, and exposing yourself to the world, but it feel exhilarating and liberating at the same time. It allows you to keep a digital diary of where you where in your life at that particular time and place. I encourage anyone who has thought of starting a blog to just start it. But don't just start it, and then walk away. Keep up at it, let the words flow from your fingertips, let others know they are not alone in this crazy world. There are others out there just like yourself, and you will connect in one way or another. But you will never know unless you put yourself out there.

To all of my friends who participate in this blogging experience, I wish you luck and hope that you attain all that you seek. As for myself, I think part of the reason I want to blog, other than to vent, is so that my children can someday find this blog and maybe have a little more insight into who their father was. Hopefully they understand me more through my words as I poured them out week after week.

I know I have been lacking in writing anything lately, but in my defense, it has been a tough couple of weeks mentally. I feel myself getting back on course, and I hope you all can bare with me as I work life out.

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